Retirement is a week filled with Saturdays and Sundays interrupted only occasionally by a holiday.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Shameless Promotion

I live with a very clever man. Through all of our years together, I've always marveled at how quick-witted Rick can be. He'll come up with the funniest and cleverest sayings, stories, quips, puns, and other highly amusing creations at the drop of a hat. Oh sure...some of the time, all you want to do is groan when he's done sharing his latest brilliance but other times all you want to do is laugh out loud.

So what to do with all these wonderful witicisms? You guessed it...let's start a blog! We're looking at our newest blogging creation as a team effort. Rick is in charge of content; I'm in charge of posting and managing the whole thing. So what's the name of our new "baby?" It's called The Witty Wordsmith and you can find it here.


rosemary said...

I'm on my way to check it for the previous post....if Steve didn't travel,well, I'm not sure what we would do with each other....or to each other.

Renee Nefe said...

You two are so punny!

Lynn said...

Clever he is:~)

Texasholly said...

sounds like fun...on my way.

Midlife Mom said...

What a hoot! Keep 'em coming!

the moose buyer said...

Rick has always cracked me up with his puns. Of course the fact that he and I have an almost identical sense of humor really helps a lot. Come to think of it cousin, I notice you roll your eyes at a lot of the comments I make too!!!

Linda said...

Look forward to reading some more witty-cisms on your new blog!

Patti said...

Hi Joan, I just visited Mr. W.W.

great fun!